Sunday, June 26, 2011

Matepani Gumba

                Matepani gumba is the important site of is the important religious and cultural site or heritage of is located in matepani of is the splendid buddhist monastery on the top of the small fprested hill above matepani in the east of mahendrapool,center of pokhara.
             it overlooks a large section of pokhara and once there on find onself lost in time amid the chanting ramas,there colossal guardian images of the buddha accompanging two other gurus and a prayer house with exquisitely carved columns and friezes.
              it is the one and only beautiful and peaceful place of pokhara where we can enjoy hte whole day along with the family ,as there is the place to have picnic too.we can have a good site of pokhara city from this gumba.we find ourself lost in the peace and beauty of the gumba.
           if you havent visited this place yet,hurry up!

World Peace Pagoda

Nepal is the beautiful place with many cultural heritages and monuments.among those heritages,world peace pagoda is the important pagoda of pokhara and important place to visit.the pagoda is a massive buddhist stupa and is situated on the top of a hill on the southern shore of phewa is the place from where we can get the site of pokhara with the good looking of phewa lake.
      besides being the impressive sight in itself,the shrine is a great vantage point which offers spectacular views of the annapurna range and pokhara can get there by crossing the lake by boat, hiking up the hill aswell as through the  veichle.we can get the peaceful environment along with the fresh mind made by the good looking of the pagoda aswell as pokhara valley.
   it is the nice monument to visit,in pokhara which attracts the tourist and nepalese too.if you want to make yourself out of tension and want to enjoy the beauty of   pokhara,then visit this place soon.

International Mountain Museum

       Among  the important museums of pokhara this is the important and the place which we shouldnot leave to see having been known with the other places of is located in ratopaira of pokhara.after intering inside the museum we can see different types of herbs and shurbs found in nepal along with their genus ,name and species listed in the trees in paper.
     we can also see the artificial mountain made there.we can climb the mountain and take the entertainment.inside the museum we can get varities of things and knowledge of nepal aswell as world.nepales customs and traditions are also installed in the museum.the main thing is that the himalayan yetis artificial imaginary looking is kept here.the peoples climbing the mountains are listed along with there photos along with the things needed to climb mountain.the different types of rocks found in the world are kept here.animals,birds,different types of species of world are also listed with their photos.if you visit here you can know more so if you want you can visit in a chief price and know about the world.

Mahendra Cave

We are known with the natural beauty of are caves,mountains,lakes,rivers,and other different beauties to attract peoples.mahendra cave is also the jmportant site of is located in the north side of pokhara.the place where it is called batulechour.
        it is the limestone cave of is located 10km north from central is the beautiful natural site of pokhara that attracts many peoples from inside aswell as outside of the the year 1950,young shepherds stumbled accross the mahendra cave whoch was named after the king mahendra.locals refer the cave as the house of bats.many species of bats inhabitate here.since the installation of lights have disturbed the bats and they are forced to relocate due to humans noise and movement.the stone dripping from the roof and covering the floor comes alive under the beams of flashlights and increases the exitement of this dark adventure.
      if you havent seen it yet, hurry up!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Phewa Lake

          Among the crystal like lakes of pokhara ,phewa lake is the important and precious lake of is the second largest  lake of is roughly 47m deep.the enchanting lakemeasures covers an area of 4.43square km.
         phewa lake is mostly famous for is wellknown lake among the pokhareles for boating,simming etc.....wheras tourists also are attracted for boating and swimming here .the main thing is that at the eastern bank of the lake there is basundhara park whiuch facinates the peoples .people can visit the lake aswellas they can have some picnic and other special things there.mainly it has tal barahi temple in the mid island of many peoples from different places want to come and visit the lake aswell as the temple.tourists aswell as nepalese can hire the boat and sail or row in creats the double image of machhapuchre and annapurna with the crystal clear looking .before it covered an area of 9square km but now it is reduced to 4.43square km.
           it is the lake that promotes the tourism in the eastern bank of lake known as lakeside or baidam.we can get a wide happines if we look it also .
            so if you havenot visited it yet ,hurry up!!!!


Lakeside is the tourist area of pokhara. it is the heart for tourism in pokhara.
           in lakeside there are many hotels ,lodges,and other accomodation to facilitate the tourists.phewa lake is also located here.barahi temple is also located here in the middle island of phewa lake.lakeside is beautiful aswell as pure place of pokhara with the fresh air coming from phewa lake.the temperature here is maintained by the phewa lake.tourists really want apeaceful and calm environment so gardens are made here in the hotels.many cultural shaw like,dance,cultural songs are shown here.
            we should maintain beauty of lakeside to influence tourists.


Sarangkot is the main tourist attraction place of nepal.sarangkot refers to the high is mainly famous for adventure tourism.
    many paragliding championships take place here.we can have the site of the whole pokhara valley along with mountains by paragliding.many tourist are interested in doing paragliding here .
               lets enjoy the paragliding in sarangkot and have a fun.
                                     hurry up!

Devis Fall

      Devis fall is the well known place of pokhara.we say devis fall to the place which was named patale chango before many accident happened in patple chango to get its name devis was on 31 july1996,a couple came in the patale chango for sight seeing.they saw a clear pond and they swimmed in it but after sometimes a violent movement started in it the normal flow lead into trubulent motion.couple were swept away towards a pit.devis husband got a rock and survived .but devi died.
   so due to this reason the patale chango is named devis it is very beautiful.there is big flow of water in summer but it is slow in winter.big flow of water in summer and the streams made by striking water on rocks attracts the has made a cave=gupteshwar also.
    it is very nice place .so hurry up! to see it.

Gupteshwar Mahadev Cave Of Pokhara

     This cave is the significant cave of is also the main place for tourist attraction.the cave is divided into 2 parts .the first one is 40metre is the main natural cave .here we can see the temple of lord visit only this place we need to pay 30rupees.
     another part of this cave is longer and dark too .this part goes downside part of devis fall.the distance about 100m from the second entrance,we can view devis fall and a very beautiful panaromic site wuth the water spring of devis fall.if we pay 100rs than we can visit both first as wellas second part.
      in first part we cannot take photo but in second part we can take photos and can swim too.this is a very very beautiful place of pokhara .so lets hurry up to see it!hurry up!lets visit and know about this place.

begnas lake

among the different lakes of pokhara,it is the beautiful lake of is crystal clear is situated in sisuwa of pokhara.this lake covers an area of 3square approximately holds 29.05million metre cube of water.the depth of water is 9.37metre deep.
      around this lake dense forest is found.more than 150 species or plants and animals are found.the endangered leoperd is found here.fishery projects are also launched here.this lake is famous for boating and fishing.we can also enjoy by hiring through boat near the villages of begnas lake.the lake water drains the farmlands through khudi khola.
  this lake is especially famous among the youths to enjoy their days by sitting here.we can do mboating here which is very exiteful.
   if you want to get  more information than you can get online information through:    travel.maps of