Thursday, June 23, 2011

Devis Fall

      Devis fall is the well known place of pokhara.we say devis fall to the place which was named patale chango before many accident happened in patple chango to get its name devis was on 31 july1996,a couple came in the patale chango for sight seeing.they saw a clear pond and they swimmed in it but after sometimes a violent movement started in it the normal flow lead into trubulent motion.couple were swept away towards a pit.devis husband got a rock and survived .but devi died.
   so due to this reason the patale chango is named devis it is very beautiful.there is big flow of water in summer but it is slow in winter.big flow of water in summer and the streams made by striking water on rocks attracts the has made a cave=gupteshwar also.
    it is very nice place .so hurry up! to see it.

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