Sunday, June 26, 2011

Matepani Gumba

                Matepani gumba is the important site of is the important religious and cultural site or heritage of is located in matepani of is the splendid buddhist monastery on the top of the small fprested hill above matepani in the east of mahendrapool,center of pokhara.
             it overlooks a large section of pokhara and once there on find onself lost in time amid the chanting ramas,there colossal guardian images of the buddha accompanging two other gurus and a prayer house with exquisitely carved columns and friezes.
              it is the one and only beautiful and peaceful place of pokhara where we can enjoy hte whole day along with the family ,as there is the place to have picnic too.we can have a good site of pokhara city from this gumba.we find ourself lost in the peace and beauty of the gumba.
           if you havent visited this place yet,hurry up!

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